
Discover Howard’s latest thoughts

Howard is passionate about helping organizations to become future ready. He’ll tell you why and how some companies can sustain new growth while others cannot.

Thinking In Bets As Your Company Scales Innovation

Thinking In Bets As Your Company Scales Innovation

No one can predict innovation despite the eager pundits. They are ones who profess on talk shows without consequences.

When Bosses Blame, They Destroy Learning. Here’s Why.

When Bosses Blame, They Destroy Learning. Here’s Why.

We know these people already. They finger-point everywhere except themselves. They see the office as a jungle and make it so.

How Lazy Thinking Leads to Outdated Values and Causes a Corporate Meltdown

How Lazy Thinking Leads to Outdated Values and Causes a Corporate Meltdown

When you are leading a team, an unthinking, semi-automatic reaction won’t do. There are inner struggles you can’t and shouldn’t escape.

Two Charts That Show Some Conflicts in Top Leadership Are a Good Thing

Two Charts That Show Some Conflicts in Top Leadership Are a Good Thing

The real question to any leader is this: Will I be willing to endure the emotional pain to go through the human messiness of argument and truth-seeking?

Three Charts That Explain Investors Are Not Short Term, They Are Just Skeptical

Three Charts That Explain Investors Are Not Short Term, They Are Just Skeptical

Short-term pressure—that’s what everyone complains about. They speak openly about the market pressure for short-term performance.

How Leaders Should Make Critical Decisions

How Leaders Should Make Critical Decisions

In a decentralized organization, business leaders would directly negotiate. But how do you judge if the deal was overpriced or not?